Controls any computer by adding restrictions, handy for both public and private sectors. Can be used in internet coffees, schools, public libraries and so on. Basically, it restricts a software from accessing websites that have some words blocked, or from making modifications to the Windows registry.
To control computers and internet for preventing teenagers from watching inappropriate contents.
- Restricted words to shut down any browser tab that contains such words
(all supported Browsers)
- Restricted Sites (Live Update - Ability to add sites to be prevented later)
- Restricted Software
- Hiding your important Folders
- Monitoring user's activities (Capture the screen and to play the
show as administrator later on)
Important notes:
- Default Administrator's password is "admin" should be changed after installation.
- GF Pre is hidden by default ( F10 to show & F9 to hide).
- GF Pre can't be uninstalled except from inside the software.
To be Used at:
Home, Internet Coffee, Companies, Schools, Public Libraries and Universities
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